Iowa USSSA Basketball State Director: Bob Egr Tel: (515) 528-2045 Fax: (515) 528-2442
Entry Deadline: February 3, 2014
The 1st Annual Iowa USSSA Basketball All State Showcase will highlight players who have participated in a 2013/2014 Iowa USSSA Basketball tournament or league.
If you have participated in a USSSA Tournament or league, you are eligible to enter the All Star Showcase and skills competition.
The All State Showcase is created to be a fun, non-competitive showcase of players participating with other players from other teams.
All participating players will be divided into teams and play in a round robin showcase.
All participating players will be eligible to participate in a free throw contest, three point shooting contest and half court shot contest.
All State Showcase Games Participating players from each age group will be divided into teams. Each team will play two 20 minute games. Each team will have 6 - 8 players per team. Players need to bring their basketball uniforms and basketball shoes. All participating players will receive: Iowa All State Showcase shirt Iowa All State Showcase participation plaque Listed on this page as an Iowa All State Showcase player Entry fee to participate: $50 per player
Skills Competition 3 Points shooting competition Separate competition per age group. Each player has 60 seconds to complete. Each player will shoot three balls from each of 5 locations beyond the 3 point line The first two balls from each location is worth 1 point and the last ball (money ball) from each location is worth 2 points Players with the most points will be crowned champion and be awarded a trophy If tied after competition is completed: 1. Player with most money balls made 2. Player with most points made from top of key 3. Player with most points made from right corner 4. Player with most points made from left corner
Free throw competition Separate competition per age group. Each player has 60 seconds to complete. Each player shoots 10 shots from free throw line. Player with most free throws made will be crowned champion and be awarded a trophy If tied after competition is completed: 1. Players with shoot 10 free throws until a champion is crowned.
Half Court Shot Before the start of each game, each player receives one shot to sink a half court shot. Each player that sinks their half court shot will receive a new basketball and basketball bag.
Coaching staff Coaches will be asked to volunteer to coach teams in the showcase. Please contact Bob at if you would like to coach a team.
Entry Deadline: February 3, 2014